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Download ebook - The Life of Ten Bears : Comanche Historical Narratives (2016, E-book) in DOC


The Life of Ten Bears is a remarkable collection of nineteenth-century Comanche oral histories given by Francis Joseph "Joe A" Attocknie. Although various elements of Ten Bears's life (ca. 1790-1872) are widely known, including several versions of how the toddler Ten Bears survived the massacre of his family, other parts have not been as widely publicized, remaining instead in the collective memory of his descendants. Other narratives in this collection reference lesser-known family members. These narratives are about the historical episodes that Attocknie's family thought were worth remembering and add a unique perspective on Comanche society and tradition as experienced through several generations of his family. Kavanagh's introduction adds context to the personal narratives by discussing the process of transmission. These narratives serve multiple purposes for Comanche families and communities. Some autobiographical accounts, "recounting" brave deeds and war honors, function as validation of status claims, while others illustrate the giving of names; still others recall humorous situations, song-ridicules, slapstick, and tragedies. Such family oral histories quickly transcend specific people and events by restoring key voices to the larger historical narrative of the American West.

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Just as with Katherine's first compilation, this includes photographs and color diagrams of each motif, along with how-to illustrations, plus a feature not offered previously: a CD of the motifs for easy download., Katherine Shaughnessy, author of "The New Crewel," continues her original, modern approach to needlework--and takes crewel embroidery to a higher level.They are often demanding, defiant, stubborn, loud, impulsive, or wild.His arduous, ten-year journey home after the Trojan War, the subject of Homer's The Odyssey, is the most accessible tale to survive from ancient Greece, and its impact is still felttoday across many different cultures.Drouin reveals not only how Shakespeare has been adapted in Qu�bec but also how Qu�b�cois adaptations have evolved in response to changes in the political climate.American lives. Nick and Kate have to mount the most daring, risky, and audacious con they've ever attempted to save a major U.S.Using the program's interactive Discovery Method, you can practice the most frequent words and expressions for greeting people, asking for directions, ordering food and more.A Grand Slam in 2009, followed by a sensational Lions breakthrough.His findings are disturbing, butpoint to glaring errors that have been made in the way we look at murder and what we can do to stop it.""The Bride Who Cried" - that was the title of the dinner-theatre murder mystery presented at Maryland's luxurious Harbourtowne resort on Valentine's Day weekend, 1998.Book jacket.Christopher Blazina, Ph.D., reveals a groundbreaking truth about the secret lives of men: Although they have been taught to distance themselves from vulnerability or hide emotional aspects of their psyche, men really do want to be understood and come out of the shadows of the fear that binds them.This striking volume also includes photographic close-ups and scientific imaging that reveal previously unknown aspects of Newman s mediums and techniques.", The work of Barnett Newman (1905-1970) has come to define the spiritual aspirations and material innovations of American painting in the mid-20th century.By keeping things uncomplicated, the need to go out and buy ten different ingredientsis avoided, slashing the cost of making quality cocktails.Based on his experience with thousands of families, his step-by-step approach shows you how to: Identify your child's temperament, using a ten-point checklist to pinpoint specific difficulties-- Manage typical conflicts expertly -- with kindness and firmness-- Make discipline more effective, so you punish much less-- Get support from schools, doctors, and other parents-- Understand ADHD, ADD, and other diagnoses, and decide if medication is right for your child-- Accept and respect your child as an individual-- Make the most of the creativity and positive potential of your difficult childIn order to make the monster team, ten tiny monsters must scare someone smaller than they are.